Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NFL Championship Weekend Recap

Indy asserted themselves quite nicely after falling 11 behind the NFL's best defense. The Jets scored on a couple of huge plays, which though good, were a little fluky. Indy's sustained offensive attack shows that they're not playing around.

New Orleans, on the other hand, cheated. You can't tell me they didn't butter up those footballs before the game. Peterson fumbled thrice, losing only the first and making a hell of a play to get back the third one. Harvin fumbled two plays in a row, obviously losing only the latter. Then Berrian fumbled as the Vikings were threatening to score. Terrible. But Favre still had a chance to win and blew it. All he needed to do was scramble for 10 yards down the open sideline and let Longwell kick it. Instead, in typical Favre fashion (though more his fashion in prior years...hadn't done too much of it this year...) he tried to force it and gave the game away. I'm also against the pass interference call on Leber on that Saints drive, but knowing them they would have found a way to score anyway. In any event, I'm glad to see the city of New Orleans get what it deserves, as it has become one of the best football towns in America.

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